Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$item_name is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 58

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$beta is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 64

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$item_id is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 65

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18
Collocation thông dụng trong tiếng Anh - Ôn Thi Tốt

Collocation thông dụng trong tiếng Anh

Collocation thông dụng trong tiếng Anh

Collocations là gì? Nói đơn giản đó là những cụm từ thường đi với nhau và khi bạn dùng đúng những cụm này thì cách diễn đạt sẽ tự nhiên, gần với người bản ngữ hơn và giúp bạn đạt điểm trong các cuộc thi Tiếng anh cao hơn.
Ví dụ bạn nói “She’s got yellow hair”. Mình hiểu, bạn hiểu nhưng người bản ngữ họ sẽ cười vì yellow không đi với hair. Họ nói” She’s got blonde hair”. Cùng nghĩa là “vàng” mà cũng rắc rối nhỉ. Sau đây mình sẽ giới thiệu cho bạn một số Collocation thông dụng trong tiếng Anh.

make arrangements for: sắp xếp
make a change: thay đổi
make a choice: lựa chọn
make a comment: bình luận
make a contribution to: góp phần
make a decision: quyết định
make an effort: nỗ lực
make an excuse: xin lỗi
make friends: làm bạn, kết bạn
make an improvement: tiến triển, cải thiện
make a mistake: gây ra sai lầm
make a phone call: gọi điện
make progress: tiến triển

do your best: làm hết sức mình
do damage: gây thiệt hại
do an experiment: làm thí nghiệm
do exercises:tập thể dục
do someone a good turn: giúp đỡ ai
do harm: gây hại
do your hair: làm tóc
do your homework: làm bài tập về nhà
do the ironing/shopping/washing: là quần áo, đi mua sắm,giặt đồ

Collocation thông dụng trong tiếng Anh

have an accident: gặp tai nạn
have an argument/ a row: cãi nhau
have a break: nghỉ giải lao
have a conversation/chat: tranh luận
have difficulty: gặp khó khăn
have a dream/nightmare: nằm mơ/ gặp ác mộng
have an experience: có trải nghiệm
have a feeling:có cảm giác
have fun/a good time: có thời gian vui vẻ
have a look: trông chừng
have a party: tổ chức tiệc
have a problem: gặp vấn đề gì
have a trip/go: có một chuyến đi
take a holiday: đi nghỉ
take a trip: đi đâu
take a train: đáp xe lửa đi đâu
take a risk: mạo hiểm
take an interest in: thấy thích thú
take a photo: chụp ảnh
take advantage of: tận dụng

pay attention to: chú ý đến
pay a compliment: khen ngợi
pay your respects: bày tỏ lòng kính trọng
pay tribute: kính trọng ai

pay a fine: nộp phạt
pay by credit card:trả bằng thẻ
pay interest: trả lãi
pay someone a visit: đến thăm ai
pay the bill: trả hóa đơn
pay the price: trả giá
get lost: bị lạc
get tired: bị ốm
get a job: tìm được một công việc
get home: về nhà
get ready: sẵn sàng
get started: bắt đầu
get married: kết hôn
get divorced: li dị
get permission:có được sự cho phép
get a promotion: được đề bạt
get a shock: bị sốc
get angry: tức giận

break a habit: bỏ một thói quen
break a leg: gãy chân
break a promise: thất hứa
break a record:phá kỉ lục
break the law: vi phạm pháp luật
break the rules: vi phạm kỉ luật

catch a bus: bắt xe buýt
catch a cold: cảm lạnh
catch a thief: bắt trộm
catch sight of: nhìn thấy
catch someone’ attention: gây sự chú ý cho ai

come close: đến gần
come early: đến sớm
come first: đầu tiên
come last: đến cuối cùng
come on time: đến đúng giờ
come second: đếm thứ hai
come to a decision: đi đến một quyết định
come to an agreement: đi đến sự thống nhất
come to an end: đi đến một kết luận

go abroad: đi ra nước ngoài
go astray: đi lạc lối
go bad: trở nên tồi tệ
go bald: hói
go bankrupt: phá sản
go crazy: phát điên
go fishing: đi câu cá
go mad: phát điên
go missing: đi lạc
go on foot: đi bộ

Trên đây là những Collocation thông dụng trong tiếng Anh, các bạn tham khảo, chúc các bạn học tốt tiếng Anh.

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