Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$item_name is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 58

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$beta is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 64

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$item_id is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 65

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18
Thay đổi hình thức thi tốt nghiệp THPT - Ôn Thi Tốt

Thay đổi hình thức thi tốt nghiệp THPT

Các hội đồng coi thi phải có hiệu lệnh riêng để tính giờ làm bài, giờ thu bài; không tổ chức Hội đồng coi thi riêng cho giáo dục thường xuyên, mà thi ghép với giáo dục THPT.

thay-doi-hinh-thuc-thi-tot-nghiep-thptĐó là hai trong số rất nhiều quy định trong công văn Hướng dẫn bổ sung thi tốt nghiệp Trung học phổ thông năm 2014 vừa được Bộ GD&ĐT ban hành.

Theo công văn này, kì thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2014, Bộ đưa ra quy định không tổ chức hội đồng coi thi riêng cho giáo dục thường xuyên, mà sẽ ghép vào với THPT. Mỗi thí sinh có một số báo danh, đảm bảo trong hội đồng coi thi không có thí sinh trùng số báo danh.

Phòng thi được xếp theo môn thi, mỗi phòng có tối đa 24 thí sinh, riêng phòng thi cuối cùng của hội đồng coi thi, được xếp đến 28 thí sinh. Đối với hội đồng coi thi có từ hai trường phổ thông trở lên, không được xếp thí sinh của các trường khác nhau trong một phòng thi, trừ phòng thi cuối cùng. Đối với môn Ngoại ngữ, được xếp các thí sinh dự thi các môn Ngoại ngữ khác nhau trong cùng phòng thi nhưng phải thu bài riêng theo môn.

Các hội đồng coi thi phải có hiệu lệnh riêng (tính giờ làm bài, thu bài) đối với từng phần thi. Cụ thể, thí sinh làm bài phần trắc nghiệm trước, thu bài phần trắc nghiệm xong mới làm bài phần thi viết. Thời gian thu bài phần trắc nghiệm không quá 10 phút.

Phần thi trắc nghiệm được chấm theo quy định chấm bài thi trắc nghiệm. Phần thi viết được chấm theo quy định chấm bài thi tự luận. Bộ đưa ra quy định, việc xử lý kết quả chấm độc lập dựa trên tỷ lệ điểm của phần thi viết so với điểm toàn bài, theo thang điểm 10 để xác định các mức điểm tương ứng quy định tại Quy chế thi tốt nghiệp THPT hiện hành.

Đối với việc xử lý điểm phúc khảo, Bộ yêu cầu khi điểm chấm lại chênh lệch so với điểm chấm lần trước từ 10% điểm phần thi viết trở lên thì mới được công nhận.

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