Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$item_name is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 58

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$beta is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 64

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EDD_Theme_Updater_Admin::$item_id is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 65

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_color::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_typography::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$field is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 14

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$value is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 15

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$unique is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 16

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$where is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 17

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CSF_Field_number::$parent is deprecated in /home/dh_vfxcbf/ on line 18
Trường ngoài công lập có miễn giảm học phí? - Ôn Thi Tốt

Trường ngoài công lập có miễn giảm học phí?

Hỏi: Em là sinh viên trường Đại học Kinh doanh và Công nghệ Hà Nội, thường trú tại thôn Sín Lùng Chải B (xã Lùng Khẩu Nhin, Mường Khương, Lào Cai). Xã Lùng Chải B là xã thuộc Chương trình 135. Xin hỏi em có được hưởng chế độ miễn học phí theo Nghị định 49/2010/NĐ-CP của Chính phủ không?

Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo trả lời: Theo quy định tại khoản 3 Điều 3 của Thông tư liên tịch số 29/2010/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTC-BLĐTBXH ngày 15/11/2010 của Liên Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, Bộ Tài chính và Bộ Lao động – Thương binh và Xã hội hướng dẫn Nghị định số 49/2010/NĐ-CP ngày 14/5/2010 của Chính phủ thì:

“Cấp trực tiếp tiền hỗ trợ miễn, giảm học phí cho các đối tượng được miễn, giảm học phí học chính quy ở các cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp và giáo dục đại học công lập”.

Trường Đại học Kinh doanh và Công nghệ Hà Nội là trường ngoài công lập, do vậy trường hợp của em học trường ngoài công lập nên không được xem xét cấp bù tiền miễn, giảm học phí theo Nghị định 49/2010/NĐ-CP.

Hiện nay, Chính phủ đã ban hành Nghị định số 74/2013/NĐ-CP ngày 15/7/2013 sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Nghị định số 49/2010/NĐ-CP, trong  đó đã sửa đổi về việc miễn, giảm học phí cho các đối tượng được miễn, giảm học phí học ở các cơ sở đào tạo không phân biệt học trường công lập hay ngoài công lập.

Tuy nhiên, Nghị định 74/2013/NĐ-CP cũng đã bỏ quy định miễn học phí theo địa bàn (vùng miền), do vậy trường hợp của em sau khi Nghị định này có hiệu lực thi hành thì em cũng không thuộc đối tượng được miễn, giảm học phí.

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